Give Online

Give Online


You can text any amount to (813) 547-3939

Your text-giving number is live and ready to receive donations. Simply text the amount you would like to give to (813) 547-3939. First-time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page.

Save this number to your contacts as Give Hopewell (or any name you would like) and be ready to give next time.

Why Give?

Your giving makes an impact for God’s kingdom in our community, country, and around the world. Jesus Christ paid it all for us through His death and resurrection and we are to give from what he has blessed us with freely, generously, sacrificially, and cheerfully.

Giving is an honor to show God how much we love Him. Don’t have cash or check ready? Not having cash or a check on hand doesn’t have to hold you back from giving. You can be obedient by giving online.

The local church has more potential to change the world than any other organization! Through this easy-to-use, safe and secure portal you can give your tithes and offerings.

You can give by placing your tithe or offering in the boxes located at the back of the sanctuary. Tithe envelopes are available from one of our Information Center team members and can be found in the back of each chair.

You can also mail your check to the church office.

The church address is 6001 CR-39 S, Plant City, FL 33567